Friday, April 20, 2012

dress - asos
sweater - h&m
shoes - c/o bait

My hair is just long enough now that I can twist it into sort-of-milkmaid-braids with the help of an army of bobby pins. I can't wait for it to get longer so I can finally start doing buns again! I got tired of teasing it into a beehive but I might do it one more time since I had promised to post a tutorial here and completely forgot!

I changed my workspace up a little bit this week! I found these adorable felt tulips at the craft store this week and HAD to find a use for them. Also I had two new pieces of art that I was dying to hang up and finally did -- an apple pie painting from Everyday is a Holiday and a portrait of a girl with a pink beehive that is actually a cat (!!) from Carol Roque. I moved around some of my desktop clutter too to make things more functional. I love it, and I'm pretty sure Hubble does too...


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