Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I'm a little (okay, a lot!) tardy to the party, but this week I tried a mcdonalds shamrock shake for the first time! My grandmom loves them and I always thought they looked really pretty when she'd order one but the idea of a mint milkshake just seemed kind of bleh. For some reason though I randomly decided to taste one the other day and boy am I glad I did! It's so delicious! Also as someone who gets super excited about holidays WAY in advance, it was pretty awesome to get a little taste (literally) of St. Patrick's Day almost two months in advance ;D  It must run in the family because yesterday my mom was perusing her recipes for boxty and colcannon! yum!! :)

dress- c/o ever + mi crush | sweater - forever 21 | belt - from another dress


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