Friday, October 11, 2013

This is so pretty! I'm tempted to go get some fake flowers and dress up my own car bumper!

Mint green cat shoes. 'nuff said.

I LOVE The Oatmeal's new comic about Columbus Day!

Amy Poehler and Jon Hamm thew an "Emmy Losers Party" this year and I think it's one of the coolest things ever. They seem like such good sports!

Danielle from Kitschy Digitals has a really neat (and free!) Halloween printable to get all of your household portraits in the holiday spirit!

Peter Pan + galaxy print = one of the coolest dresses ever.

These confetti pops are so awesome! I think if cat-friendly confetti existed I'd be throwing it around my home all the time. They're available from Emerging Thoughts who, by the way, are also carrying The Hypatia dress now!! eep!

I think I need this sweater and these socks are so neat!

This is such a clever DIY idea! Recycle old VHS plastic cases into a one of a kind clutch!

I am definitely doing this awesome David Bowie skull project when I decorate my apartment for Halloween!



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