Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I seem to have an unintentional theme going on this week!

I wore this yesterday when I visited my apartment for the first time that it could really be called MY apartment. After I gave my parents a little tour we went out for dinner and then came back to my place for dessert. It's currently completely empty except for 7 cans of paint on the floor, whipped cream and chocolate pudding in the fridge, and a pink feather wreath on the door. A nice start, if I do say so myself ;)

Despite all the hustle and bustle going on right now with moving I'm also working on so many projects! I finally finished part of my 2014 calendar (thank goodness, I was worried it would be 2016 before I got around to it!!) and I have a really exciting new sweet & lovely project I'm hoping to have ready in the next couple of weeks. I kind of neglected that shop for a while.. I think the last time I added anything new was in the spring, but all of a sudden my ideas notebook is overflowing. And me and Kyle are working on opening a new joint etsy shop! That last one might take a little while but the wheels are in motion and we're both so excited about it!

ps. Ever + Mi Crush is having a 40% off sale, so if you still haven't snagged a Hypatia dress now would definitely be the perfect time ;) Just use code "autumn40" at checkout!

dress - trollied dolly | shirt - h&m | tie - flapper girl | shoes - urban outfitters


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